In Norway with the ANANDA DVE
So this year Norway is on the Atlantic side. The first question was where is the geographical border of the North Sea and where does the Atlantic begin. This line is roughly at the Shetland Islands. And that’s where we want to go this year and if we don’t lose our courage, then maybe continue to the Faroe Islands. Our SAARE-YACHT 38.2 ANANDA DVE, built in 2020, doesn’t mind our planning. This ship just keeps sailing, much further than the courage of the owners would allow. On our way to Stavanger and Haugesund, we found such beautiful ports in the south of Norway that were empty in June 2024 that, despite the outside temperature being mostly 12-14 degrees, it warmed our hearts to be able to experience this. High waves and mostly 4-6 Beaufort were also present, especially in the transition from Skagerrak (eastern part of the North Sea) and the open North Sea these waves were 3-5 m high, so we lost our courage and turned off to Lindesnes and found the world’s largest underwater restaurant (Under). Equipped with a Michelin star, beautiful architecture but otherwise not our thing. We were able to see the difference between sailing and an adventure by car on the roads of Europe again, as we visited the fjords from land in a rental car. Driving is much more strenuous than sailing. That’s when the idea was born to simply sail in the “protected” area of the fjords with many moorings in small towns next year and enjoy the wonderful landscape in a relaxed, slower pace. Then put on your hiking boots and simply go on day-long hikes on the mountains. There are very good suggestions for this on site. Yes, with a sailing boat you are always one bow ahead, we like that and if the water and waves become too much for you in 3 months, then you stay in the sheltered harbor and read, eat, sleep and just do nothing.
Best wishes from a perfect ship that we have so much trust in.
Gerhard Reich and crew in June 2024 in Haugesund-Kopervik
— Free translation – Original published in German —